Cow Know التطبيقات

Terapia Ritmos Binaurales 1.2.2
Cow Know
Estimula tu cerebro para producir cambios sutiles aunque palpablesde las ondas cerebrales.La terapia binaural estimula tu cerebro mediante el envío depulsos y ritmos auditivos especiales a través de los auricularespara producir cambios en el comportamiento.Esta aplicación puede ayudar a inducir la relajación, lacreatividad y muchos otros estados mentales deseados.** ADVERTENCIA **Los pulsos binaurales son muy potentes y deben ser experimentadoscon cuidado, en un ambiente seguro.Pero puede estar tranquilo, los tonos binaurales han sidoutilizados durante años sin ningún efecto secundario.Esta aplicación es 100% gratuito y de código abierto.Está basada en la aplicación Binaural beats therapy de GiorgioRegni.Es una versión traducida y modificada en ciertos aspectos, pero nocontiene malware alguno.Stimulateyour brain to produce subtle but palpable changes in brain waves.The binaural therapy stimulates your brain by sending pulses andspecial auditory rhythms through headphones to produce changes inbehavior.This application can help induce relaxation, creativity and manyother desirable mental states.** CAVEAT **The binaural beats are very powerful and must be experiencedcarefully, in a safe environment.But can rest easy, binaural tones have been used for years withoutany side effects.This application is 100% free and open source.It is based on the application Binaural beats therapy GiorgioRegni.It is a localized and amended in certain respects, but does notcontain any malware.
Résoudre-Angry Words 1.8.6
Cow Know
Are you sick and tired that either your cousinor brother keeps on winning each game of Scrabble, Words WithFriends, Jamble, Up words, Wordsmith, Wordstone, Ruzzle, Words byPost, Crossword Puzzles, or Aworded you play with them?Would you like to have the reputation of a walking dictionarythat uses elaborate vocabulary?Aworded Solver will save the day, and you'll no longer be knownas the family loser.In addition to this, Aworded Solver is easy to use. All you haveto do is enter the letters you have, using asterisk when you have ajoker tile, and tap enter. A list of words will come up, with thebiggest words first, with the number of points given with each wordnext to it. The app also has a semi transparent background, so thatyou can see the game board while using the app.Depending on the number of letters inputted and the kind ofdevice you own, the process of the word searching after you pressenter will take more or less time, but it is generally quitefast.Contact me at if you find an error or if youthink anything could be improved.Thanks to Pablo Martinez O'Reilly
Framed French 1.1
Cow Know
How many words of four letters or more you cando with the letters of the mosaic?Keg letter can be used only once and each word must have thecentral letter.Touch letters to tiles to form a word, then click 'Send' to savethe word.Click 'Delete' To suppress current letters of the word, or clickfor more prolongation suprimmer the whole word.To look up the definition of a word, browse for this word to thelist. When time is finished, the words not found seran shown.The current game will be closed each time you exit \Application
Simon Says Animal 1.2.4
Cow Know
Discover the animal sequences game!In this game you have to select the animals in the order youspecify the sequence.Each animal has its sound so you can identify it.This game is designed specifically for children of thehouse.My little son gets too excited playing games. This is ideal becauseit prints a quiet and leisurely pace.There are no rewards or achievements.Just fix the sequence and try something different again.It has 12 cute animals with their distinctive sounds, so thatthe child learns to differentiate: pig, monkey, cow, lion, tiger,sheep, goat, snake, cat, dog, horse...NOTE: This game has nothing to do with the original game and itscreators Simon and distributors like Sony or Disney. It is simply aversion of the classic game "Simon Says".
Bach Flower Remedies 1.4
Cow Know
Bach Flowers are a number of all-naturalessences used to treat various emotional disorders.They were discovered by Edward Bach in the 1930s.Great research, as well as physician and homeopath, Dr. Bachexperimented with various native wildflowers native to your region,in Wales, in Britain, to find 38 natural remedies, each with itshealing properties for various emotional problems. These 38 arecalled flower essences Bach flowers.His theory was that physical illness underlying emotional inorigin, and that if the emotional conflicts persist for a longtime, physical illness begins to emerge.However, to restore emotional balance physical illness is resolved.It was in this way that developed emotions therapy, or floraltherapy.After more than 70 years, the remedies have been proven as agreat system to treat physical, mental and emotional beings.This application will help you choose the flower essences youmost suitable according to the symptoms you enter.This application has nothing to do with Bach Flower Company nor anyother related.Shown only as a guide.This application does not substitute for any diagnosis.Always wear contrasting it to professionals.
Frases Frikis 3
Cow Know
FrasesFrikis te proporcionará las grandesfrases de nuestra vida como píldoras de filosofía callejera paraentender mejor este mundo loco.Contiene perlas como:- Me pongo de pollo hasta el potorro. Belén Esteban.- Me echaron droja en el colacao. Tojeiro.- ETA es una gran nación. Mariano Rajoy.- Yo he venido a hablar de mi libro. Francisco Umbral.- Sole, que te meto con el mechero.- ¡Viva Honduras!. Federico Trillo.- Ra, Ra, Ragazza!. Josmar.- ¡Al loro!. Laporta.Si echas de menos alguna otra frase, ¡mándame un correo y laagrego!Gracias a Iván Ávila del Río por las sugerencias.FrasesFrikis will giveyou the great lines of our lives as street philosophy pills tobetter understand this crazy world.It is containing beads as:- I get chicken until potorro. Bethlehem Esteban.- I got kicked in the colacao droja. Tojeiro.- ETA is a great nation. Mariano Rajoy.- I came to talk about my book. Francisco Umbral.- Sole, that you get involved with the lighter.- Honduras Live !. Federico Trillo.- Ra, Ra, Ragazza !. Josmar.- Beware !. Laporta.If you miss some other phrase, send me an email and add!Thanks to Ivan Ávila River for the suggestions.
GADI (Insultator!) 1.4.1
Cow Know
This application is a Random Insults Generator(Beta).GADI will help in the noble art of insulting, and you can addyour own expletives to enrich your database Insults (BDI Beta).Share them and enjoy!Come on insultator!To Do:- Mark insults not to rebuild.- Associate an insult to a contact and tone.- Configuration screen.- Widget "Insult of the day."
Resuelve 4 fotos 1 palabra 2
Cow Know
¿Se te resiste esa pantalla infernal?Prueba con nuestra aplicación, ¡y no se te resistiráninguna!Este programa no incorpora todas las imágenes y sus respuestas,eso ocuparía demasiado y no tendría apenas gracia, ¿no?.Aquí sólo tienes que introducir las letras que tienes disponibles ytendrás un listado de posibles soluciones, de forma transparente,para que puedas visualizar si alguna es la correcta.Sólo tienes que entrar en el juego, y deslizar la barrasuperior. Resuelve estaráahí, esperando a que le indiques lasletras que quieres utilizar.Y encima, ¡es gratis!Genial, ¿no crees?Can you resist thisinfernal screen?Try our app, and you will not resist any!This program does not include all images and their answers, thatwould take up too much and not just grace, right ?.Here just enter the letters you have available and have a list ofpossible solutions in a transparent manner, so you can view if anyis correct.Just get in the game, and slide the top bar. Solve estaráahí,waiting for the letters you indicate you want to use.On top, it's free!Great, is not it?
Caceroladator 1.4
Cow Know
Caceroladator, the pot-banging protest app,will provide entertainment at demonstrations, civil uprisings andeven family gatherings when you can't get hold of a pot or a pan tobang.All you need to do is open the app and shake your phone to voiceyour anger and indignation!
Encuadrados 1.5
Cow Know
¿Te crees un dandy del idioma?¿Consideras que mereces un sillón de la RAE?¿Estás harto de crucigramas, sudokus, autodefinidos, sopas deletras y otras zarandajas?¡Demuéstralo con Encuadrados!Simplemente un mosaico con nueve letras, ¿cuántas palabras erescapaz de formar contrarreloj?Adictivo y refrescante a partes iguales.En caso de obtener error, por favor, envíalo para poder irmejorando la aplicación.Para cualquier duda, contacta con nosotros en cowknow@gmail.comYou think a dandylanguage?Do you think you deserve a chair SAR?Are you sick of crossword puzzles, sudoku, self-defined, puzzlesand other trifles?Prove it with Enlistment!Just a mosaic with nine letters, how many words you are capableof forming trial?Addictive and refreshing equally.Should you get error, please, send it to keep improving theapplication.For questions, contact us at
Simon Says Animal PRO 1.1
Cow Know
Discover the animal sequences game!In this game you have to select the animals in the order youspecify the sequence.Each animal has its sound so you can identify it.This game is designed specifically for children of thehouse.My little son gets too excited playing games. This is ideal becauseit prints a quiet and leisurely pace.There are no rewards or achievements.Just fix the sequence and try something different again.It has 12 cute animals with their distinctive sounds, so thatthe child learns to differentiate: pig, monkey, cow, lion, tiger,sheep, goat, snake, cat, dog, horse...NOTE: This game has nothing to do with the original game and itscreators Simon and distributors like Sony or Disney. It is simply aversion of the classic game "Simon Says".
Widget Els Segadors 1.0
Cow Know
Posa al teu mòbil el widget de "Els Segadors",i demostra que ets un bon català.Podràs escoltar-ho sempre que vulguis de manera ràpida ifàcil.A més pots veure la lletra i una mica de història del himnenacional de Catalunya.Ànims a tots els participants de la via catalana, ¡pel dret adecidir!Recorda que no és una aplicació, és un widget, i caldrà ficar-hoal escriptori.Put on your mobile widget"Reaper" and shows that you are a good Catalan.You can listen to it whenever you want quickly and easily.Also you can see the lyrics and a little history of Catalonia'snational anthem.We encourage all participants via Catalan, ¡the right todecide!Remember that it is not an application is a widget, and will putit on the desktop.
Simon Animal English Edition 1
Cow Know
Discover the animal sequences game!In this game you have to select the animals in the order youspecify the sequence.Each animal has its sound so you can identify it.This game is designed specifically for children of thehouse.My little son gets too excited playing games. This is ideal becauseit prints a quiet and leisurely pace.There are no rewards or achievements.Just fix the sequence and try something different again.It has 12 cute animals with their distinctive sounds, so thatthe child learns to differentiate: pig, monkey, cow, lion, tiger,sheep, goat, snake, cat, dog, horse...NOTE: This game has nothing to do with the original game and itscreators Simon and distributors like Sony or Disney. It is simply aversion of the classic game "Simon Says".
Solve Apalabrados PRO 1.8
Cow Know
Are you sick of that to your brother or yourcousin, the people give you a beating playing Apalabrados?Want to look like a walking dictionary of the RAE?Solve apalabrados will help you regain some dignity among yourfriends and family.Simply enter the letters you have (to enter an asteriskwildcard) and hit search.You will have a list of words you use.Not all verbs are conjugated, so conjúgalos!Depending on the number of letters and the device, the process maytake more or less. Be patient, we will improve.This version is exactly the same as the free, but no ads.Let me know if you find any error or improved cowknow@gmail.comComing soon: - More languages. - Conjugated verbs.
Aworded Solver 1.4
Cow Know
Would you like to have the reputation of awalking dictionary that uses elaborate vocabulary?Aworded Solver will save the day, and you'll no longer be knownas the family loser.In addition to this, Aworded Solver is easy to use. All you haveto do is enter the letters you have, using asterisk when you have ajoker tile, and tap enter. A list of words will come up, with thebiggest words first, with the number of points given with each wordnext to it. The app also has a semi transparent background, so thatyou can see the game board while using the app.Depending on the number of letters inputted and the kind ofdevice you own, the process of the word searching after you pressenter will take more or less time, but it is generally quitefast.Contact me at if you find anerror or if you think anything could be improved.Thanks to Pablo Martinez O'Reilly.
Squares & Colors 1.4.1
Cow Know
Test your visual acuity with this simple andaddictive game.Simply touch the box with a different color from the rest.Are you able to get past level 20?Beware, this game can be very addictive.Challenge your friends in Challenge #Squares&Colors
Widget Els Segadors, Donació 1.0
Cow Know
Posa al teu mòbil el widget de "Els Segadors",i demostra que ets un bon català.Podràs escoltar-ho sempre que vulguis de manera ràpida ifàcil.A més pots veure la lletra i una mica de història del himnenacional de Catalunya.Ànims a tots els participants de la via catalana, ¡pel dret adecidir!Recorda que no és una aplicació, és un widget, i caldrà ficar-hoal escriptori.Aquesta versió és la mateixa que al gratuïta, però sensepublicitat a mode de donació per poder fer moltes més aplicacionsben catalanes.Put on your mobile widget"Reaper" and shows that you are a good Catalan.You can listen to it whenever you want quickly and easily.Also you can see the lyrics and a little history of Catalonia'snational anthem.We encourage all participants via Catalan, ¡the right todecide!Remember that it is not an application is a widget, and will putit on the desktop.This version is the same as the free, but donations advertisingmode to make many more applications well Catalan.
Résoudre-Angry Words PRO 3.3.1
Cow Know
En as tu assez que ton frère ou cousin te bâtschaque fois que tu joues a une partie de Scrabble, de Aworded, oud'un jeu similaire?Veux-tu avoir la réputation d'être un dictionnaire de la languefrançaise vivant?Résoudre-Angry Words est là pour te sauver! Avec cette appli, tune seras plus celui qui perd toujours, mais l'inverse.En plus, Résoudre-Angry Words est super facile a utiliser. Tun'as qu'à écrire les lettres que tu as dans la case qui se montreraà toi, en utilisant un astérisque pour une tuile joker, et aappuyer sur entrer. Une liste de mots s'affichera, avec les motsles plus grands en haut, et le nombre de points attribuées a chaquemot juste à côté. Cette application a aussi un fondsemi-transparent, ce qui permet de voir le tableau de jeu tout envoyant la liste de mots.En fonction du nombre de lettres mises dans la case attribué eten fonction du type d'Android utilisé, l'application va plus oumoins vite, mais en général, il va très vite.Contactez moi à si il y a uneerreur ou une amélioration à proposer.Hast thou enough thatyour brother or cousin saddles you whenever you play a game ofScrabble has, of Aworded, or a similar game?Would you have the reputation of being a dictionary of theFrench language alive?Solve-Angry Words is here to save you! With this app, you willnot be the one who always loses, but the reverse.In addition, Resolve-Angry Words is super easy to use. You justhave to write the letters that you have in the box that will showyou, by using an asterisk for wildcard tile, and press enter. Alist of words will appear, with the largest top words and thenumber of points assigned to each word next to it. This applicationalso has a semi-transparent background, which allows you to see thegame board while seeing the word list.Depending on the number of letters put in the box and awardedbased on the type of used Android, the application will sooner orlater, but in general, it goes very quickly.Contact me if there is amistake or an improvement to offer.
Super Trivial Fútbol -50 Goles 1.2.3
Cow Know
¿Eres futbolero?Pero de los de verdad, de los que se la tienen jurada a Tassottidesde el Mundial del 94.Si sabes quien es Cruyff, Maradona, Pelé, Van Basten..., si hasvisto más Eurocopas y Mundiales que Clemente, esta es tu quiz.Totalmente renovado y reformado. Con animaciones, nuevasmelodías, soporte de tablets y más.Son 15 preguntas para llegar a la gloria y 3 comodines paraayudarte a llegar a lo más alto.Tienes más de 350 preguntas diferentes agrupadas por niveles paraque no te aburras, y todas ellas en constante revisión yactualización!Todo ello ambientado con canciones grabadas en estadios defútbol. Grandes éxitos como el "you never walk alone" que tepondrán la piel de gallina.El juego al que todos los usuarios de memedeportesaspiran.Demuestra que el míster puede confiar en ti, pero recuerda que nohay rival pequeño y que el fútbol es así.Ejemplos de preguntas:"¿En qué equipo ganó dos copas de Europa George Weah?""¿Por qué sancionaron con 5 años a jugar en Europa aJuanito?""¿Cuántos años dirigió al Manchester United Sir Alex Ferguson?"Para cualquier duda o sugerencia contacta con nosotros encowknow@gmail.comAlready a footballfan?But the truth, those who have sworn to the Tassotti from the World94.If you know who is Cruyff, Maradona, Pele, Van Basten ... if you'veseen more European Championships and World Clement, this is yourquiz.Fully renovated and refurbished. With animations, new tunes,support tablets and more.There are 15 questions to get to glory and 3 wildcards to helpyou reach the top.Have over 350 questions grouped by different levels so you do notget bored, and all of them under constant review and update!All set with songs recorded in football stadiums. Big hits like"you never walk alone" that will put you goosebumps.The game we all aspire memedeportes users.It shows that the coach can trust you, but remember that there areno easy opponent and that's football.Sample questions:"What team won two European Cups George Weah?""Why are punished with five years playing in Europe Juanito?""How old went to Manchester United Sir Alex Ferguson?"For any questions or suggestions please contact us at
4 pics 1 word Solver 1.1
Cow Know
Can you resist this infernal screen?Try our app, and you will not resist any!This program does not include all images and responses, thatwould take up too much and not just funny, is not it?.Here you just have to enter the letters you have available and youwill have a list of possible solutions in a transparent manner, soyou can view if you are correct.Just enter the game, and slide the top bar. Solver be there,waiting for you indicate the letters you want to use.On top, it's free!Great, right?
Resuelve Apalabrados Euskera 2
Cow Know
¿Creías que por ser vasco y jugar en Euskeranoibas a tener una ayudita?Llega Resuelve Apalabrados versión Euskera. Para que barras atusamigos también en tu idioma y recuperes algo de dignidad entretusamigos y familiares.Si quieres que te eche una mano, simplemente introduce lasletrasque tienes (para el comodín introduce un asterico) y daleabuscar.Tendrás un listado de palabras que te podrán ayudar, perorecuerdaque lo importante es posicionarlas correctamente.Además dispones del modo Transparente, para superponer encimadela partida de Apalabrados e introducir fácilmente las letras.¡No es necesaria ninguna conexión a internet!¡Es igual de rápida que la competencia pero sin conectarse!No gastes tus preciados megas en apalizar al rival.¡Y todo esto totalmente gratis!NOTA:A fin de mantener el juego, recomendamos que antes de iniciarlapartida se comente con el otro jugador que puede que se haga usodeesta herramienta.Es responsabilidad de todos poder seguir jugando a estegranjuego.¡No hagas trampas!Avísanos si encuentras algún error o mejora en cowknow@gmail.comDid you think tobeplaying in Euskera and Basque were not going to have a littlehelp?Solve Apalabrados Euskera version arrives. For bars withyourfriends and also in your language and recover some dignityamongyour family and friends.If you wish to lend a hand, please enter the letters youhave(for the wildcard you enter an asterisk) and hit search.You'll have a list of words that may help you, but remember thatitis important to position them correctly.Also hold Transparent mode to overlay on top of the gameandeasily Apalabrados enter letters.No internet connection is not necessary!It's just as fast as the competition but without logging in!Do not waste your precious megabytes in apalizar the opponent.And all this absolutely free!NOTE:In order to keep the game, we recommend that before youstartheading commenting with another player who may use thistoolbecomes.It is everyone's responsibility to continue playing thisgreatgame.Do not cheat!Let us know if you find any errors or improved
Snowflakes Live WallPaper 1.1
Cow Know
Turn your home screen into a heavysnowfallChristmas!Wintertime!A beautiful live wallpaper featuring gentle snowflakes falling.Live and share the spirit of Christmas using your phone.Christmas Gift This to brighten your neighbor!Any screen, any resolution.Battery optimization.TO USE: Home->Press Menu->Wallpapers->LiveWallpapersandselect SnowFlakes.
Jungle Party Free 1.1
Cow Know
Welcome to the world of Jungle Party!This game is specially designed for smaller home.Simply touch the cakes and cookies and let the bombs.A simple and attractive for the little ones practice motorskillsand coordination between sight and touch play.
Aworded Solver PRO 1.8
Cow Know
Are you sick and tired that either yourcousinor brother keeps on winning each game of Aworded you playwiththem?Would you like to have the reputation of a walkingdictionarythat uses elaborate vocabulary?Aworded Solver will save the day, and you'll no longer beknownas the family loser.In addition to this, Aworded Solver is easy to use. All youhaveto do is enter the letters you have, using asterisk when youhave ajoker tile, and tap enter. A list of words will come up, withthebiggest words first, with the number of points given with eachwordnext to it. The app also has a semi transparent background, sothatyou can see the game board while using the app.Depending on the number of letters inputted and the kindofdevice you own, the process of the word searching after youpressenter will take more or less time, but it is generallyquitefast.Contact me at if you findanerror or if you think anything could be improved.Thanks to Pablo Martinez O'Reilly.
50 Goles Trivial PRO 1.0
Cow Know
¿Eres futbolero?Pero de los de verdad, de los que se la tienen jurada aTassottidesde el 94.Si sabes quien es Cruyff, Maradona, Pelé, Van Basten..., sihasvisto más Eurocopas y Mundiales que Clemente, esta estuaplicación.Son 15 preguntas para llegar a la gloria y 3 comodinesparaayudarte a llegar a lo más alto.Tienes más de 350 preguntas diferentes agrupadas por nivelesparaque no te aburras.Demuestra que el míster puede confiar en ti, pero recuerda quenohay rival pequeño y que el fútbol es así.Esta versión es la misma que 50 Goles Trivial pero sinpublicidadalguna.Do you footballfan?But in truth, those who have sworn to the Tassotti since '94.If you know who is Cruyff, Maradona, Pele, Van Basten ... ifyou'veseen more European Championships and World Clement, this isyourapplication.There are 15 questions to get to glory and 3 jokers to helpyoureach the top.Have over 350 different questions grouped by level so you do notgetbored.It shows that the coach can trust you, but remember thatnosmaller rival and that's football.This version is the same as 50 Goals Trivial but withoutanyadvertising.
Jungle Party 1.1
Cow Know
Welcome to the world of Jungle Party!This game is specially designed for smaller home.Simply touch the cakes and cookies and let the bombs.A simple and attractive for the little ones practice motorskillsand coordination between sight and touch play.
Super Trivia Quiz 1.6
Cow Know
Quiz game in Spanish with questions in15categoriesChoose subject, hit the play button and the program willperformrandom questions.Learn spanish with this app.You can select options if you want the phone to read yourquestionand learn vocalization.This is trivial based on that of, but withthreeresponses, like a Trivial Pursuit.You must choose the right one.Challenge your friends to see who gets the highest score!This is a GPLv3 open source application, ask me the sourcecodeif you are interested.
Resol Apalabrados en Català 2.2.3
Cow Know
Estàs fart de que fins i tot el teu cunyat oelteu cosí el del poble et doni una pallissa al Apalabrados oalScrabble?¿Vols semblar-te a Ramon Llul?Resol Apalabrados et donarà un cop de mà per tal de recuperarunamica de dignitat entre els teus amics i familiars.Si vols una mica d'ajuda, simplement fica les lletres quetens(pel comodí fes servir un asterisc) i polsa Cercar.Per la ela geminada, fes servir L-L.Tindràs un llistat de paraules que et podran ajudar, peròrecordaque el més important és saber col·locar-lescorrectament.És molt similar al Solucionados.¡No fa falta connexió a Internet!Segons la quantitat de lletres i el dispositiu, el procéspottrigar més o menys. Anirem millorant company.NOTA:Per tal de mantenir el joc, recomanem que abans d'iniciar lapartidaes comenti al l'altre jugador que pot ser es farà úsd'aquestaeina.És responsabilitat de tots poder seguir jugant a aquestgranjoc.¡No facis trampes!Ens podeu enviar un correu elèctric si trobeu algun error ovoleuproposar una millora a cowknow@gmail.comThese fins fart that itotthe cunyat teu teu or sewed the poorman et doni one pallissatoApalabrados or Scrabble?¿Vols semblar-Ramon Llull you?Resol Apalabrados et donate a cop per mà provided retrieve amicaDignitat between amics els teus i familiars.If a green card vols d'Ajuda, simplement fica lletres themtens(pel comodi faiths avail a asterisc) i polsa Fencing.Per the geminate ela, faiths serve L-L.Llistat of paraules Tindràs one will be able to et ajudar,butremember that the month-col·locar Important és knowthemCORRECTLY.És molt similar to Fixed.No foul fa connexió Internet!Segons the lletres i Quantität of the Dispositiu the procespotor menys trigar month. Anirem millorant company.Note:Per mantenir provided the joc, recomanem that abans d'start thegameis comenti l'altre player to pot being is farà úsd'einaaquesta.Responsabilitat program for tots to continue to aquest JUGANTgreatjoc.No FACIS trampes!Ens podeu send a elèctric correu if any errors or voleutrobeuproposar one millora to
Solve Apalabrados Spanish
Cow Know
Are you sick and tired that either yourcousinor brother keeps on winning each game of Scrabble, WordsWithFriends, Jamble, Up words, Wordsmith, Wordstone, Ruzzle, WordsbyPost, Crossword Puzzles, or Aworded you play with them?Would you like to have the reputation of a walkingdictionarythat uses elaborate vocabulary?Aworded Solver will save the day, and you'll no longer beknownas the family loser.In addition to this, Aworded Solver is easy to use. All youhaveto do is enter the letters you have, using asterisk when youhave ajoker tile, and tap enter. A list of words will come up, withthebiggest words first, with the number of points given with eachwordnext to it. The app also has a semi transparent background, sothatyou can see the game board while using the app.Depending on the number of letters inputted and the kindofdevice you own, the process of the word searching after youpressenter will take more or less time, but it is generallyquitefast.Contact me at if you find an error or ifyouthink anything could be improved.Thanks to Pablo Martinez O'Reilly
Super Trivia Pro 1.4.7
Cow Know
Trivia game in Spanish with over1,300questions in 15 categories.Choose subject, hit the play button and the program willperformrandom questions.If you do not agree with the answer, you can suggest thechangeand you will earn a mention.You can select options if you want the phone to readyourquestion.This trivial is based on that of, but withthreeresponses. You must choose the right one.In addition, questions have been revised.Challenge your friends to see who gets the highest score onthetrivia quiz!This is the same version as the Super Trivia, butwithoutadvertising, as a donation.This is a GPLv3 open source application, ask me the sourcecodeif you are interested.Coming soon: - New types of game. - More questions, many more questions!